Q&A with Local Artist, Claire Kendall

Claire Kendall shares her journey as a fine artist and painting instructor. We love hearing from the artists who make up Affordable Art of Charleston! Check out the Q&A below to hear what inspires Claire to create her beautiful artwork.


Tell us about yourself:

My name is Claire Kendall, I am a 29 year old fine artist and painting instructor in Charleston. I was born and raised in Virginia and graduated from the College of Charleston in 2013.

My father is a retired naval engineer and my mother is a master gardener. Growing up an only child, my parents generously provided me with many unique experiences in my young life and instilled the confidence in me to be able to own a business. I’ve been married to my husband, Max, who is a web developer, for almost 7 years now. We have the cutest dog, kind and loving friends and a simple, fun life together in Charleston.

Tell us how you got started in art?

My grandmother was a hobbyist watercolor painter and she was self-taught. We were very close when I was growing up. From a very young age I was always creating things. My parents recognized that I had natural talent and a stubborn passion for art-making so they put me through semi-private lessons starting at age 13 and I continued learning through college.

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How would you describe your art?

I would consider my work to be in the contemporary realism genre, but I am always referencing classical, academic art as a metric for the quality of my work.

What inspires you?

The natural world and the beauty of things that simply grow out of the ground or are delicately made by human hands. I specifically love painting flowers and portraits and trying to capture the likeness of something complex and unique.

Which artists inspire you?

Mia Bergeron, Nick Alm, Will St. John, John Singer Sargent, Katie Whipple, Van Gogh, Gaugin, and basically all of the old masters...

What do you love about working in the Charleston Art Community?

Everyone in my field and adjacent fields that I have met is kind, brilliant and non-competitive. I think we all want each other to succeed and that’s very special.

How does Charleston inspire you?

Charleston has such a beautiful landscape. It’s so peaceful to be outside, to walk downtown and look at endless amounts of well-designed buildings and gardens. The people here are just as interesting and I find a lot of inspiration in the homes and stories of my friends.

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What is your current favorite piece that you have done?

I just finished a piece for Affordable Art called “Peony Bud.” It is a 12x16 in. oil painting on cotton paper. It’s my current favorite because I painted it in a very laid back way and it turned out simple and lovely.

Any new pieces that you are working on that stand out?

I’m working on a very large painting of a floral arrangement created by my friend Alarie Schimpff of Rosebay Floral Co. If I can pull it off, I think it’s going to be one of my favorite pieces.

What is the most difficult part about being an artist?

I’m an extrovert, so not having co-workers can be isolating. I have to consciously plan social time and time to recharge outside, which I don’t do enough. Mental health is a concern for most artists I know; we are deep feelers and often perfectionists. I know personally, it’s easy to get down and let comparison steal my joy, but I trust God with my life and know He is working all things together for my good.


What is the best part about being an artist?

It’s a dream life for me. When you are in the right career, you feel so equipped to be able to do most everything that is required of you.

It’s a very satisfying feeling to make a painting for a client that they have been dreaming about for a long time. It’s an honor when someone chooses me for a special project that means something to them.

What are your favorite pieces at Affordable Art of Charleston?

I have just discovered Kate Comen’s work and think it’s lovely. I love the bright colors and happy subjects.

Why do you love working with Affordable Art of Charleston?

I think everyone should be able to afford a piece of art if they want to. We all need something special to cover our walls... I appreciate that Affordable Art is making original art accessible, because that is a core value of my business as well.

Carol Williams