Q&A with Local Artist, Ann Schwartz

Artist Ann Schwartz shares her life long passion for art and oil abstracts of florals. It is such a treat to hear more from the artists who make up Affordable Art of Charleston! Learn more about Ann and her gorgeous oil paintings in her Q&A below.


Tell us about yourself:

I grew up in Charlotte and moved to Charleston 20 years ago after graduating from the University of Georgia. I live in Mount Pleasant with my husband, two daughters and dog. I love going to the beach and watching my girls surf, hanging out on the boat with my husband and exploring such an amazing town with my friends and family. 

Tell us how you got started in art?

I have always loved painting! Throughout my childhood and adulthood, I have sought out art education and have loved taking workshops from some of my favorite artists. My art career has grown pretty organically from just painting for friends and family through turning it into a business over time.


How would you describe your art?

I am an oil painter of abstracts, impressionistic, and figurative/subjective work. I love to experiment with new mediums, collages and techniques. Adding texture, lots of layers and a little bit of chaos into every painting is always a goal of mine.

What inspires you?

From the beautiful beaches and marshes to my children to even some grocery store flowers bought on a whim, I never run out of things I want to paint. I also love interior design, so I often get inspiration from fabrics, interior paint colors, and decorating magazines

Which artists inspire you?

There are too many to list! I am a huge fan of Andy Braitman and have been fortunate enough to learn from workshops in his studio. I love Angela Nesbit, Cynthia Packard, Dr. Bodner, Selena Beaudry and the list could go on forever!

What do you love about working in the Charleston Art Community?

The Charleston Art Community is so welcoming and inspiring. I love meeting other artists, going to galleries and art strolls and meeting other art enthusiasts.

How does Charleston inspire you?

Luckily, Charleston never lacks for providing inspiration! Just taking a stroll downtown can leave my head spinning with ideas for new paintings. I also live near Shem Creek, so I love taking inspiration from the ever changing marshes.


What is your current favorite piece that you have done?

That is an ever changing answer. Right now, I love an ocean mixed media collage that I was experimenting with which led me to one of my favorite painting techniques. I also love any painting I have done of my children.

Any new pieces that you are working on that stand out?

I am on a floral kick right now. Since I have a total black thumb when it comes to keeping plants alive, I love to have floral paintings around that last forever and always add some fun pops of color to any decor.

What is the most difficult part about being an artist?

As an oil painter, that is having patience while I wait for paint to dry between layers. I also manage to get paint on just about everything I own!


What is the best part about being an artist?

I love painting and get excited to go into my studio any chance I get! Being able to make an income doing something I would want to do anyways is such a blessing!

What are your favorite pieces at Affordable Art of Charleston?

I love going into Affordable Art of Charleston and seeing all the amazing pieces in the gallery. I love Gary Bodner’s colorful pieces that always put a smile on my face and Taylor Faukner’s surfing paintings are just so cool!

Why do you love working with Affordable Art of Charleston?

I met Carol several years ago and she has done such an amazing job with Affordable Art of Charleston. Not only is the gallery space filled with such beautiful art, it is also great to have the best framing options in town to make each piece really pop!

Carol Williams